Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wine Wednesday - Yes, I know it's Thursday!

I have already started this post once, then Cafe World froze, kicked me off and I lost everything. So yes David, you're right, Facebook is EVIL! Here we go again..

So last night I was plodding around the house thinking about something to blog about, I opened a bottle of bubbly, and inspiration struck! (alcohol always helps) I drink a lot of wine and love any kind of wine tasting activity, why not blog about it? Wine Wednesdays was born... although it may turn into Whine Wednesdays depending on how my week is going! This will just be a little wine related post, not sure in which direction it will head... so lets dive right in!

I LOVE wine. I drink white, red, bubbles. I love all wine... except Chardonnay... ugh! Can't stand it, I just hate overly oaky wines (my technical terms and expertise are impressive, I know). I used to call them Woody Wines, but you get some strange looks at the liquor store. Chardonnay is the worst, it's just so oaky and sweet.... and unfortunately it is the gifting wine. Every time I see one of those little wine gift bags heading my way I say a little prayer to Dionysus 'Please, anything but fucking Chardonnay'. Either Dionysus is a fickle little sod or there is a lesser known god of Chardonnay out there messing with me, because 50% of the time this is what I'm stuck with. Standing there smiling and saying "Oh, you shouldn't have!" while racking my brain for some recipe that I can deposit this crap into. Come to think of it I have this same problem with Jager... people are always buying me shot of it and I think it's disgusting, hmmm a secret angry Jager god? But I digress. So I am trying to be open minded about this, are there possibly some expensive Chardonnays that are okay?? Am I just getting handed the cheap crap?? Nope, I decided it is the wine... because (leading into my next wine rant - I will not pay stupid prices for wine).

Okay, I know I can be cheap, I mean frugal, but I just can't fathom paying ridiculous prices for wine. Especially the amount I consume. Maybe it is the advent of Trader Joe's (oh how I love thee) or the fact that I have been to the vineyards in Spain and bought wine out of gallon plastic jugs from the local gas station (another post there - I stayed with a lion tamer). I am convinced that there are cheaper wines out there that are pretty damn close to being as good as the more expensive versions. For example I used to love Moet White Star, but it kinda killed the pocket book. Then I discovered Sofia.... mmmm love it and it is just a fraction of the cost.

So today I discovered an article in the Daily Mail that makes another valid point. How do we even know what we are getting behind that fancy label. So I leave you with this (read the comments too - very enlightening!)


1 comment:

  1. Ha, someone backed me up!!
