Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mama's Watching!!

Okay, so I was very hyped about starting the blog then I completely fell off... for a couple of reasons. Mainly I was dealing with some deaths last week and the subsequent wakes etc - and who wants to read about that?? Last week was hellish and I just couldn't think of anything positive to write about. I really want this to be a fun blog and not me moaning about my life so I just took a week or so off.

Okay the other reason - I have become ridiculously addicted to Cafe World on Facebook, I fought it for so long but I finally succumbed. It is bad, I time things so I know I will be able to serve the food and I have started taking the laptop to the bar... I CAN'T STOP. Damn you Facebook! I actually have it open on another tab right now and keep pausing to go check on it... I need help. I was forced to attend to my blog though as my mother complained that I hadn't updated it (after I had forced her to set up her laptop so I could check in on Cafe World... I have serious problems).

Love Mama... she rocks, I got in a fight with the boyfriend last night (totally my fault) and showed up at her condo at 2am. Of course the dogs went crazy and woke her up. Bless her, all she did was tell me not to do any laundry because the machine was broken (cause you know I was just hankering to do laundry at 2am! too funny), and then tried to convince me to take the day off work... ahh love her! So I have to step up my blogging game as Mama is watching!!

I should have some good foder this weekend as I think I am actually gonna hit the clubs!! Yes, my old ass in going to venture back into club world... I will keep you all (all 2 of you!) posted. Now I must head back to the Cafe as the Turkey needs to be served... I think I might need an intervention...


  1. Reading and waiting to hear the club tales...

  2. Three words to remember:

    Facebook Is Evil

    Don't say I didn't warn you!!


  3. @ZM - Sorry to let you down, I promise to do better this weekend. Thanks for reading - hopefully the posts will improve!!

    @DD - I have been warned! I keep getting panicy when FB freezes up - it has entirely too much control on my life!

    Thanks guys - love the coments!
