Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ugh VD!!

This weekend really blew... Didn't make it to the clubs... but have great plans for this weekend!!

Okay, so why did I try to make such a stupid big deal about Valentines Day?? I should have known it would all blow up in my face. I think I am annually trying to redeem Valentines Day after the time I was dumped by phone while preparing to get ready for my wonderful VD date. Next year, screw it. I am tired to returning VD presents and getting that look from the salesman... it's a mix between curiosity and sympathy. I will never forget the sweet guy at Borders who tried to tell me that I should keep the book of love poems by Rumi, because it was a really good book. Yeah, cause that's what I need after being dumped... to read love poems, no thanks - I prefer vodka! It soothes!!

Saturday was when I was going to head to the clubs, as usual I have plenty of excuses for not going out!! 1. Spent way too much money on aforementioned VD present - will be returned shortly. 2. Started partying a little too early as was very excited about the abundance of snow we received on Friday (in Atlanta this is a BIG deal - felt like Christmas all over again)! I felt the need to drive around and look at the snow and decided to make lunch plans.... yeah. I was also starting to feel down as my VD plans were already starting to fall apart and I was maniacally trying to cheer myself up, this resulted in hitting the sweat nectar a little too early, ahhh sweet sweet nectar! Anywho, by the time 11pm hit I was just freaking drained and it was damn cold outside. Us Atlantans do not respond well to the cold, we love that we get off work as soon as a snowflake hits the ground but the accompanying snow forces us to hibernate. And anyway, I needed to be refreshed the next day for my wonderful Valentines, right?? Not so much. But I'm not going to dwell on it, because I have a kick ass weekend planned - and this weekend nothing will stop me!!!

I love my friend Sarah, she is one of my many bartender friends but she is by far my favourite! Sweet as pie (which is difficult when you are forced to deal with the intoxicated on a constant basis). She made my week when I received her text stating that The English Beat are in town this Friday night, and she is taking me - her treat! HELL FUCKING YES! And it is not just my sweet Sarah that is going, oh no half the bar is going as a huge group. This will be very entertaining. I can't wait, anytime I am near a jukebox 'Mirror in the Bathroom' is always one of the first songs I play... very excited! Sarah and I have previously been to see the Pogues together and had a freaking wonderful time, which actually ended with my inebriated ass forgetting how to get home. Seriously, I had to make her boyfriend get on the highway because all the little roads were confusing me. Hmm hope he doesn't offer to pick us up again, this could be embarrassing.

It WILL be fabulous. And the next day... Oysterfest at the Steamhouse! I love the Steamhouse, great people, great food, close to home, their tag line is 'The Best Little Dump in Midtown' - love it! It will also be close to 60 this weekend so I won't freeze! Hopefully the bf will get off early, if not he can meet my ass there.
Here is the link for Oysterfest for any ATL people:

So between these two events I just have some great tales... hopefully I can remember them... Oooo the blackberry has a video recorder, this will be interesting!!

Finishing now as I need to work on another post - I know two in one day!
We are very slow at work, and well Cafe World is currently having technical difficulties.... I know, I know!

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